Limited Edition Vinyl Recordings & Handmade Musical Artifacts from Tucson, AZ
Meowtain - Hex/Piggyback Rider Spin-Painted square 8"

A new, 2-song single from arty Olympia post-pop cat-fanciers, Meowtain. Each one is uniquely spin-painted and foil-stamped. One of my favorite "art-projects" to date... in advance of their West Coast tour, the band and I got together and made 50 copies of this. It got recorded, mixed, cut to disc, and spin-painted in about a week. They have 25 on tour, and I have 25 for sale. Includes a download of both tracks of the single, plus a digital copy of their 6-song debut cassette EP.

Available here:


Posted on June 18th, 2012
New Golden Boots, Viking Moses/Teenage Mysticism, and Advance Base

Golden Boots - BeezKneez/Be My Champ 2x7" - A double 7" picnic plate release of new Golden Boots tracks... One Dmitri tune (Be My Champ) and one Ryan tune (BeezKneez) on two one-sided picnic plates in beautiful hand-silkscreened medical folders made by the band. Limited Edition of 50. The band has 25 and we have 25.

Viking Moses/Teenage Mysticism Split 7" Translucent Picture Disc - These went from concept to reality in less than 3 days... Put together for a VM/TM tour which included some dates opening for Viking Moses' old protege, Deer Tick. Beautiful translucent lathe cut square picture discs in hand-made covers. Each cover has one side watercolored by Viking Moses and one side is water colored by Teenage Mysticism. Each one is unique. Only 50 made.

DISTRO - Advance Base - A Shut-Ins Prayer LP - The new LP from Owen Ashworth's Advance Base project. We have a limited number in distro. On beautiful red marble vinyl in Tip-on sleeves.... Includes an MP3 coupon with the record.

Find them using the navigation options to the left!

Posted on May 28th, 2012
Solid Home Life LP and Wooden Wand/Catherine Irwin Record Store Day 7"!

Solid Home Life - Solid Home Life LP
After years of working on this record, the ST Debut from Solid Home Life (Greg Olin from Graves and Lindsay Schief from LAKE) is finally ready, thanks in part to the folks at Lost Sound Tapes, Fin Records and Curly Cassettes, with whom we co-released this gem.  It comes on gorgeous sea-blue vinyl or cassette tape, and is full of the most sweet and sugary co-ed harmonies you've heard.  Pick it up here: or from one of the great labels mentioned above. 

Wooden Wand & Catherine Irwin - Sing the Songs of Hazel Dickens 7" - Record Store Day Exclusive
A great split 7" from Wooden Wand and Catherine Irwin (Freakwater) covering songs by the legendary protest singer, Hazel Dickens.  In hand-set letterpressed and silkscreened Arigato Paks and limited to 459 copies (but numbered out of 500).  This will only be available at participating RSD Record Stores.  Call your store and demand they stock it! It is available through Revolver Distribution.  After Record Store day, youc an go here to buy any that we might have lying around:

Posted on April 10th, 2012
Upcoming Releases

All we have on the horizon for the foreseeable future:

Solid Home Life (Greg Olin from Graves and Lindsay Schief of LAKE) - ST LP (co-release with Lost Sound Tapes, Fin Records and Curly Cassettes, all of whom are awesome!).
Golden Boots - Be My Champ/BeezKneez 2x Picnic Plate 7"
Wooden Wand/Catherine Irwin - Tribute to Hazel Dickens 7"
Kris Kristofferson Tribute LP - with Wooden Wand, Good Saints, Southerly, New Science Projects, An Experiment, Golden Boots, Gift Machine, Blank Tapes, Great Lakes, Bob Simpson, etc.


Posted on February 3rd, 2012
Ariel Pink/R. Stevie Moore mirrors will be back for another pressing!

There will be a third run of the Ariel Stevie mirrors coming soon.  The covers will be distinct to this run, they will be strictly limited to only those who have not already bought one, and they will be released in small batches to hopefully ensure they get into the hands of as many different people who want to actually own and keep them as possible. 


Posted on February 2nd, 2012