Limited Edition Vinyl Recordings & Handmade Musical Artifacts from Tucson, AZ
Ceased and Desisted.

Well, crap. Yesterday we sent out an email about a new release that contained unused tracks recorded specifically for a soundtrack. And, as a joke, mentioned that you should tag the music supervisor for that soundtrack... and well, somebody might have taken us seriously, and we got slapped with a big ol' Cease and Desist. So... uh, not only were we not supposed to bother the music supervisor, but we weren't supposed to use the name of the film, etc etc. So we have scrubbed everything.


Mailing will be on hold for a week or so until we figure out exactly what to do.

We will be in touch.

MeaCulpa Dixon.

Posted on June 29th, 2020
Raymond Byron (Castanets), Lee Gull Baggett Burnr 2

Well, I don't even know how to start these things anymore. Same Shit, Different Day. It's like Groundhogs Day meets 12 Monkeys meets Idiocracy as reimagined by Black Mirror. But strangely, Life Goes On.

So, as usual, I've just been locking myself away in the studio, cutting records and burning through blades on my beloved Cricut cutter, my one and only pandemic friend.

But, all that shit's a downer. And I don't sell downers. I sell pick-us-uppers, and we got some killer shit to brighten your day during your indefinite home-stay.

So, let's get this rolling while mailing records is still somewhat affordable. BTW, if you haven't already, PLEASE sign this petition:

  1. redacted
  2. Raymond Byron (Castanets) – Kingdom 1 and 2 – 8” Pic disc lathe cut
  3. Lee Gull Baggett – Burnr 2 – 2x10” Lathe Cut

Raymond Byron (Castanets) – Kingdom 1 and 2 – 8” Pic disc lathe cut

Raymond Byron (Raposa) was the main force behind early aughts freak psych folk act Castanets, one of my personal favorites. Outside of a solo record (2012's excellent White Freighter) and a 2014 Castanets record, Decimation Blues, Ray has been quiet. BUT, coming very soon, he has a new LP coming out on ESP Disc (whose batshit insane roster includes Albert Ayler, Sun Ra, Billie Holliday, Holy Modal Rounders, Timothy Leary, William S Burroughs, and even Charlie Manson) soon.

But, just to get a little blood in the water, we are putting out this combo single of related outtakes "Kingdom 1 & 2", which was produced and played upon by my old friend Cory Gray (Graves, Carcrashlander, etc).

Each one is on a transparent one sided 8" pic disc whose image will probably take on a more specific meaning once you hear the song and watch the record as it plays.

Hear a couple of tracks here:

Buy One Here!

Lee Gull Baggett – Burnr 2 2x10” Lathe Cut

Lee Baggett is one of my favorite people on the planet. He also has one of the biggest “cult followings” in PIAPTK's history. He was one of the earliest artists on PIAPTK, and I get more email requests for the super limited 10”s I made for him back in the early days than I do The Flaming Lips and Scott McMicken records. People LOVE Lee Baggett, just like I do. He is a frequent collaborator of Little Wings, but his solo recordings are a beautifully mutant hybrid of Neil Young, Jerry Garcia, and Daniel Johnston. Jammy, shakey, loose and unpolished, but fun and beautiful.

This is the second installment of Burnr, recorded a couple years after Burnr 1 with the same band of Greg Olin (Graves), Cory Gray (Graves/Carcrashlander), Zach Tillman (Father John Misty), Nate Ashley (Solo/Graves), and Brian Wright (Graves/Gold Leaves).

This is a double 10" on white vinyl in gatefold chipboard jacket.

If you haven't already, pick up Burnr 1 as well!

Ride Your Wild Horses
Something Shiny
Silver Moon
No Crying
Tall Grass
Farm Crunch
King of the Canyon
Welcome to the Pages
Freee Birdie
Can't Blame the Sunshine

Hear a couple of tracks here:

Buy One Here!

Posted on June 26th, 2020
Richard Santos Edition - Scott McMicken, Golden Boots, Sloppy Joe and the Cruise!

Hello again! Welcome to the Richard Santos issue of the PIAPTK newsletter. For those (most of you) who don't know him, Richard Santos is one of my favorite people. An ageless Austinite whose main passions include heavy metal, psych-pop, and yacht rock billboard chart-toppers from 1972. He is one of the most excited/excitable dudes I've ever met in my life. And he loves great music. He films videos, makes tons of collages, roadies for bands, etc. He is just an all-around good-vibes-man. And it just so happens, he randomly had a hand in ALL THREE of the releases that are coming out today. He made the collages for the Scott McMicken “Catch Ya Later” Pic Disc AND the video (along with Jeremy Bruch), He made the collage for the Golden Boots “Nite Drives” Soild Gold Poster, AND, after I sent him a Sloppy Joe and the Cruise test pressing in a big care package last month, (with no real info, but knowing it would appeal to his obsession with 70s yacht rock) he sent me a LONG letter asking tons of questions about it, and an (unsolicited) hand-written recipe for his Sloppy Joes and a $20 bill to buy the ingredients so I could cook them up myself. I did, and they were delicious, so we included the recipe in the zine that comes with the Keep on Cruisin' album.

1. Scott McMicken – Catch Ya Later! Pic Disc Lathe Cut
2. Golden Boots – Nite Drives Soild Gold LP
3. Sloppy Joe and The Cruise – Keep on Cruisin'

PLEASE NOTE: ALL OF THESE ARE PREORDERS. They should hopefully ship soon. They are all en-route to me via UPS, and I will ship them AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLY, but as I learned from the Floating Action Outsider Art LPs, UPS is having some issues these days. Also, the photos are either incomplete or mock-ups... that will be corrected once I get everything in from UPS (this week, HOPEFULLY). It will take about a week for everything to arrive, and a week to get everything assembled and mailed. So, HOPEFULLY two weeks?

Scott McMicken – Catch Ya Later Lathe Cut Pic Discs
Scott McMicken and Richard Santos (who toured with and filmed the Dr Dog “Bowery Ballroom” Live Video and released it under his DIY film label, Shot By A Fan) collaborated with former What Made Milwaukee Famous drummer, Jeremy Bruch to make a video called “Catch Ya Later” that featured a new Scott song, Richards' collages featuring otherworldly Leave it To Beaver era scenes of twisted domesticity, and his and Jeremys' greenscreen sock puppet work. Check the video here:

Never one to let a Scott McMicken project pass me by without asking to be a part of it, I asked Scott if we could do some pic discs of it using Richards' collages, and he said “As long as Richard is down, so am I!” and I knew Richard would be into it, so we got cranking on them. Richard emailed me 100 unique collages, so there are ONE HUNDRED different designs of this pic discs. Like all recent releases, these are not limited during this weird time. Everybody that wants one should be able to get one. I won't make them forever, but for the foreseeable future, I'm not limiting the editions. But, you can rest assured that you will own of one only a few of the version of the disc you get.


Golden Boots – Nite Drives Soild Gold LP
Golden Boots have been stretching out over the last few years. As the lineup has fluidly shifted around Ryen and Dimitri, the format has gone from Crumbly Western to Omnichord-Core to Instrumental Sunset tunes and everything in between. And they have been PROOLIFFFIC. Nite Drives was recorded a couple years ago during the beginning of the Instrumental period, and it has been a fan favorite since being released on tape by the band. And, since I've recently been getting more into instrumental albums myself it made perfect sense that the man who founded Soild Gold (Dimitri) would be the 12th Soild Gold release. It consists of three long format chill vibe background dinner party tunes.


Sloppy Joe and the Cruise – Keep On Cruisin' LP

I REALLY love this record. And the response to the soft-rollout of it has been incredible. It is available NOW to stream at all the usual streaming sites.

It's Jimmy Buffet meets Brian Wilson Meets Jerry Garcia. It's clever, self aware, self-deprecating, beautiful, funny, sad, and infectious.

It was recorded in 1975 by a Key West slacker named “Sloppy” Joe Flappens, and sat on a shelf until a year and a half ago, when he passed away and it was sent to Doug O'Donnell (former Dr. Dog guitarist) as a condition of Joe's will. Joe and Doug met in 2004 at a bar after Doug played in Key West, and they became penpals. Below is the teaser. The full story is in the zine that is included with the record. bookshelf at Joe's house for 40 years. See the teaser story below....

The Keep On Cruisin' Pack Includes:

-First Pressing Limited to 250 copies in die-cut covers.
-On Yellow with red fleck sunset vinyl.
- Includes a zine with images and what little information is known about “Sloppy Joe” Flappens and the recording session
- Includes a pack of custom Keep on Cruisin' rolling papers

After a show in Key West, FL, in 2004, Dr. Dog guitarist Doug O'Donnell wandered into a run down dive bar called Chart Room, and ordered a drink. There we only a handful of lonely regulars in the bar, but one of them came over and sat down next to Doug after hearing that he was a touring musician. For the next two hours, this skinny, scraggly bearded man, although in his mid-50s had the world weariness of someone far older, unrolled his own incredible history (while Doug unrolled the $5 bills of his tour per diem to keep them both in rum and cokes). This man was “Sloppy” Joe Flappen. In the late 70's, (as he told it), Sloppy Joe was one of the kings of the Southern Florida Beach Bar scene. He had a band, “The Cruise”, that would pack houses all the area, long before Jimmy Buffet's “Margaritaville” would bring Tropical Rock to the masses. Buffett and Flappen were working the same circuit, and, while not exactly friends (there was, unshockingly, a “woman to blame” for this), they occasionally played together. Joe gave him a copy of the record that night (dubbed over a Dan Fogelberg cassette), which became a favorite in the Dr Dog tour van. Joe and Doug continued to be penpals for the next decade, but eventually lost touch. When Joe passed away in 2018, he left the master tapes to Keep on Cruisin' to Doug, along with a note asking him to get it out to anyone who might care. So that is what we are trying to do.


Posted on May 31st, 2020
Luna, Joyner, Lee Gull Baggett, Graves & friends sing Billy Joel as Leonard Cohen, Sloppy Joe and the Cruise...

Well, hey. Two emails in a month. And this is a long one. Due to lack of work (and anything better to do), I've had plenty of time to work in the studio and make stuff for all kinds of great artists who are churning out amazing music while they are in the same position we are. And, again, for most of this stuff, I am not limiting the numbers in the short term. I know that some of you (like me) are mega strapped and fucked for cash. I don't want you to have to use grocery or rent money on a record. But, since I had all my Mobile Vinyl Recorders gigs cancelled and my “self-employed status” has made me ineligble for unemployment in Arizona, this is my (and many of the artists) only income source. So, if you are fortunate enough to have stable income of some sort and want to help us out, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can't, then we should have a copy or two of most of these things still around when shit stabilizes and the world gets back on its' axis. Hopefully the USPS will still exist by then, because as you probably know, you-know-who is trying to destroy it, and if Media Mail goes away, mail order goes with it, and the physical media we all love is probably going to go the way of the dinosaur.

I got all of the Outsider Art Preorders in the mail and skipped town and am currently somewhere in Denver or Wyoming. Tucson opened back up and all the shitty Bro-bars were shoulder to shoulder, so Tucson is about to go down in Covid Flavored Flames, And I am NOT going to be there. But, I still have a friend sheltering in place who can hopefully do some shipping for me. If not, I'll be back in a week or so to ship everything out before taking back off to Joshua Tree or something. Shit is WHACK right now, but I hope you are all safe!

  • Floating Action – Outsider Art update: Shipped OUT!

    Lee “Gull” Baggett – Burnr 1
  • Simon Joyner – Salt Across Your Grave 10”
  • Golden Boots Livestream Needs YOUR Input!
  • Sloppy Joe and The Cruise Strong and Fruity Booze Challenge! - Free lathe cut (with purchase of the LP) to everyone who participates in the challenge!
  • Leonard Joel Sings Billy Cohen 10” – Graves and Friends play the songs of Billy Joel in the style of Leonard Cohen
  • Dean and Britta (LUNA) – The Carnival is Over 7” Lathe Cut

Floating Action – Outsider Art Has Shipped!

Finally got these in from the plant and they should have all gotten shipped out. Check yr paypal for tracking. If you don't get what were you expecting (The BIBA add-on thing was a little confusing, and I may have fucked something up, so let me know!)

We still have a few copies left of the standard version available here!

Lee “Gull” Baggett – Burnr (1) 2x10”

Lee Baggett is one of my favorite people on the planet. He also has one of the biggest “cult followings” in PIAPTK's history. He was one of the earliest artists on PIAPTK, and I get more email requests for the super limited 10”s I made for him back in the early days than I do The Flaming Lips and Scott McMicken records. People LOVE Lee Baggett, just like I do. He is a frequent collaborator of Little Wings, but his solo recordings are a beautifully mutant hybrid of Neil Young, Jerry Garcia, and Daniel Johnston. Jammy, shakey, loose and unpolished, but fun and beautiful.

This album, Burnr, was recorded with Graves as his backing band (not to be confused with the 2x10” Graves and Lee Gull album that we released a few years back (long sold out and highly sought after). We will also be releasing Burnr's followup, Burnr 2 very soon.

It comes on Double White 10"s in chipboard gatefold sleeves with full color paste on covers.

Simon Joyner – Salt Across Our Graves 10”s

About 10 copies of these resurface... for a ramble about why, read on:
Without getting into it too deep, a couple years back when this 10” came out, most sold out quick. But, I was on the road non-stop at that point and had (what turned out to be a very unreliable) employee cutting these for me. He phoned it in, and wasn't drop testing them all the way he was supposed to. Because of this, 25-30% of them (we think) were sub par, and pretty bad. I started getting complaints while I was on the road, so I had my fulfillment guy take them down off the site, find good discs in the records that were left to replace them, and he put them away in a box. I was on the road, nobody else emailed about it, and I kind of forgot about it. Until this month, when I was cleaning the studio and found the box, tried playing a couple and realized how shitty some of them were. So, I reached out to Simon and my purchasers to find anyone who had a bad disc, and re-cut discs for everyone and mailed them out. While I was at it, I made brand new discs for the ones that got pulled and lost in a box. So, long story, over, I now have ten copies available here:

Golden Boots Livestream Needs Your Input & PIAPTK Survey

Golden Boots have been extremely busy this year, and especially during the quarantine. They got their Burning Brain Radio Show back on the air here in Tucson, they've been recording a ton, AND they've been doing a ton of Instagram Livestreams, sunset livestreams from the parking lot of their studio, and mini-sets from inside their studio. If you don't already, be sure to follow them on Instagram. On May 31 at 6pm PST, Golden Boots will be taking over the @PIAPTK Instagram and livestreaming an ALL REQUESTS set of five songs, but they need YOUR requests. So, I set up a survey to get those requests, and while I was at it, I threw on a few PIAPTK questions to help me out while you are at it. Answer as many or few of the questions as you want, but your feedback is greatly appreciated! Take the survey HERE.

Sloppy Joe & The Cruise Strong and Fruity Booze Challenge


You are going to be hearing a lot about the Lost 1975 Trop-Rock Masterpiece, Keep on Cruising, by Key West also-ran Sloppy Joe (Flappens) and the Cruise. This record is incredible and it grows on you with every listen, and the backstory is amazing. I am SO excited about it.

Here is the quick and dirty version, a much longer explanation of this whole thing is coming next email, but here is the story of the album.

After a show in Key West, FL in 2005, Dr. Dog guitarist Doug O'Donnell wandered into a run-down dive bar called Chart Room and ordered a drink. There were only a handful of regulars in the bar, but one of them came over and sat down next to Doug after hearing that he was a touring musician. For the next two hours, this scraggly, bearded man unrolled his own incredible history while Doug unrolled the $5 bills of his touring per diem to keep them both in rum and cokes. The man was “Sloppy” Joe Flappens. In the early to mid-70's, as he told it, Sloppy Joe was one of the kings of the southern Florida beach bar scene. His band, “The Cruise," would pack houses all over the area, years before Jimmy Buffet's “Margaritaville” took the tropical soft rock sound to the top of the charts. Buffett and Flappens worked the same circuit, and, while not exactly friends (there was, according to Joe, “a woman to blame” for this), they occasionally performed together. Sloppy Joe and the Cruise recorded one legendary album in 1975 before disbanding. A tragic accident left Joe unable to play guitar and the completed album was shelved - literally (above Joe's couch, next to his record collection). He spent the ensuing years as a fishing guide, maintaining a laid back lifestyle in obscurity until his death in 2018. At that point Doug (who had become Joe's biggest fan and occasional penpal) received the master tapes in the mail (per Joe's will) and began trying to expose the world to this lost classic.

The Sloppy Joe and the Cruise Strong and Fruity Booze Challenge! GET A FREE LATHE CUT BONUS DISC WITH PURCHASE of the LP! (lathe cut Limited to # of folks who do this challenge, and this is literally the only way to get the bonus song)

One of the tracks from the Keep on Cruising album is called “What Was In That Drink?”, and is the story of Joe mixing up a drink from whatever he has around “something sweet and thick and blue, it had a fruity flavor too, there was something vague and spicy....I think there was some grenadine, pineapple rum and mangosteen, maybe also lime and soda”.

In true Joe Flappens spirit, we ask you to record yourself mixing up a fruity drink, using whatever you have around the house... can even be a mocktail, just hopefully there is some fruit involved somewhere, but if not, we can all be sure that Joe Flappens would've given it a go, and that's good enough for me. Tell the audience why you are doing it, and then post it on FB or IG and tag @piaptk on it with the hashtags #SloppyJoeAndTheCruise. #PIAPTK and #KeepOnCruisin.

HEAR THE SONG (and the first single) HERE Also, it will go up on Spotify May 23, 2020 (maybe that is the past at this point, I'm writing this email when that is the future), so if today is past the time when that is the present, give yourself the gift of listening to it!

Graves & Friends – Leonard Joel sings Billy Cohen 10” Lathe Cuts

As you probably know, Greg Olin's band Graves is one of PIAPTK's long time favorite artist. He's been involved with Lee Gull Baggett, Fronjentress, Solid Home Life, and many other artists that we've worked with. He's a horrible self promoter (perhaps the worst I've ever worked with?) and an elementary special education teacher. But, he is prolific and his music is incredible.

Apparently, he got the idea of recording Billy Joel songs in the style of Leonard Cohen, while they were working on some Graves songs, and within an hour, everyone in the room had recorded one, and the EP was done. The next day, they put it up on Bandcamp, and that same day I reached out about doing 10"s of it, and here we are. It's done and it's great, and you will enjoy it. It is kind of insane how much these Billy Joel pop songs sound like legitimate Leonard Cohen songs!

Dean and Britta (Luna) – The Carnival is Over Lathe Cut 7”
Luna was always one of those PIAPTK bucket list bands that I've loved since I got into good music starting with Galaxie 500 when I was 15. So when I randomly met Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips at a Light in the Attic Party in LA, it was a pretty significant day. I did what I do, chatted them up, did the “schmooze” gave Dean my card, got his email, and followed up immediately, but it was over a year of no contact before he reached out about doing a for-hire job for a Kickstarter he was doing. Obviously I wanted to do a PIAPTK release, so we worked out a deal that culminated in both the bonus lathe cut for the Dean Wareham and Cheval Sombre LP (Which is EXCELLENT) AND the Phenokistoscope 7” pic disc PIAPTK released for Luna, which felt like a serious coup for me. So, naturally, when Dean reached out about a new Dean and Britta lathe cut (potentially followed by more Made-to-order discs for their livestreams, so follow their social media to keep up on that), I was pretty excited.

This is a cover of the traditional Russian folk song, The Carnival Is Over, from the 1800s, but made famous by the Seekers in the 1960s, and according to my buddy who helps me cut is “a bolero”. But it's beautiful and unique and on clear square 7”s with clear printed labels and transperency inserts. It's really fucking great.

Well, I've got a crazy amount of stuff in the works from Michael Nau, Little Wings, Golden Boots, Lee Gull Baggett, Briana Marela, Sean Spellman of Quiet Life, and a bunch of my most influential artists from my formative teenage and college years in North Central Texas. Also have a bunch of exciting artists that I'm “in negotiation” with. So, plenty of good stuff coming down the pipe.

I love all y'all and hope you are staying safe and healthy!


Posted on May 21st, 2020
Floating Action(ish) Gospel LP, Blank Tapes Quarantine Single, new SM Wolf Album!

Well shit. What a time to be alive, huh?

I've been woodshedding down in The Lathe Cave cutting like crazy to keep from going crazy. Got three new releases this time from some of the 'ol PIAPTK Regulars, Floating Action(ish), SM Wolf, and The Blank Tapes. But equally exciting is what is coming down the pipe very soon... some old buds that it's been a while since I worked with... Briana Marela and Lee “Gull” Baggett. But, that will be another email in a week or two.

One thing: For the near future, I am not “limiting editions” of this stuff. I am not going to keep making it forever, but I also don't want people who are struggling financially to have to choose between groceries and a record because they are afraid it will sell out. So, you know, if your income stream has not been disrupted or that $1200 is burning a hole in yr pockets, it would help ME and the artists out if you buy some of this stuff, but if you are struggling, don't worry, I'll make you one special down the road when you get back on yr feet if I have to. We (democratic) socialists over here and we control the means of production.


1. Floating Action “Bring It Back Alive” Gospel Album from 1997
2. The Blank Tapes – Covid-19 Quarantine b/w Isolation Blues 8” Lathe Cut
3. SM Wolf – Phases of What Album: CD/Vinyl Hybrid plus livestream and video premiere.

Floating Action “Bring It Back Alive” Lathe Cut LP Gospel Album from 1997

This is a hidden rarity. Not ACTUALLY a Floating Action record, but an album Seth did with his friend Bryan Cates and the Moore Sisters from the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC. This is a great Gospel LP and any funk/soul crate digger would be stoked to come across this if it were disguised as a late 60s/early 70s album and would be unlikely to know the difference.

(If you ordered the Standard Edition of Floating Action's Outsider Art, those should be here and start shipping in the next couple of weeks... Select "Add-On" at the order page and have this added on with no extra postage. Any other items you purchase along with this will also be shipped free with Outsider Art and you will receive a shipping refund for anything you paid on this order as I start to process them).

I rarely do Lathe Cut Lps because they are expensive and take forever, and until recently we've had pretty mixed luck with fidelity on larger records, but these came out sounding really nice! NOTE: May not play on cheap turntables that don't have 12” platters because the plastic isn't as rigid as a pressed record and slumps without support from the platter.

It was 1997, Bryan Cates (my best friend & musical ride or die since age 5) and I were 20 yr olds in Greensboro, NC. We felt it was our duty to make the current musical landscape a better place, by making 'the quintessential gospel album'. This was pre cel phone, pre internet, pre email era, and we were young idiots who didn't know anybody, basically. Bryan sort of knew a piano player (Big Derrick Morris) in Winston Salem, NC, who was a co-worker an old school gospel singer Maxine Gwynn, who had two sisters (Veronica and Carolyn) who all sang in church together. Incredible singers. It's hard to describe just how difficult it was 'back then' to track down a bunch of strangers in different towns, and try to get them together to make an album. We finally did, manage to all get together for three different Saturday afternoon sessions, spread throughout a year or two(!). We also had our friend /the best drummer in the area, Shane Key, on drums. We didn't believe in bass back then for some reason...felt it wasn't legit? Not sure why. We were so deep into old blues and gospel recordings then, and you often can't really hear all the instruments, so I think we thought there just wasn't bass? So anyway, we had Shane on drums, Big Derrick on piano, me on electric guitar, Maxine, Veronica, and Carolyn singing, and Bryan singing lead and playing acoustic guitar. Bryan had written a few songs for this album, as well as picked some 'choice nugs' of old gospel standards to do.

I remember using DiscMakers to make 1,000 cds(!) of Bring It Back Alive, and them being agitated at how low resolution the artwork,etc was...again I had no idea what I was doing with that stuff, and didn't know anyone who did. I think we played maybe three concerts at three different churches, and it was amazing, and everyone in the group was like 'this is so fun, we should keep doing this all over the place!'. But we had zero connections in the music industry back then, and clueless of how to book shows, etc, and it wasn't really the type of project that would perform in local dive there ended up being nowhere for Bring It Back Alive to exist. Everything kind of fizzled out, and Bryan and I still have boxes of probably 970 cds left, packed away.

Every so often I'll 'remember' that we did make that album - and it never really made it into the digital era, no one knows about it, it's legacy has no way of living on. So in 2020, I ran the cd through some vintage tube gear and an old spring reverb, which yielded pleasing results. It at least made it sound 'more like it's supposed to sound' and less plastic-y and clean than the original cd which Bryan and I never thought sounded quite right.

Looking back, it's truly a beautiful, rare, and unique joining of people and voices. I mentioned it to Mike Dixon of PIAPTK, he's like 'send it to me', and BAM, he has 30 records of it pressed. To have Bring It Back Alive live on, on vinyl, is truly the most fitting way to experience that rare captured moment that was almost forgotten forever.



The Blank Tapes – Covid-19 Quarantine & Isolation Blues Splatter Die Cut Cover 8” Lathe Cut

If you know The Blank Tapes, you know that Matt Adams is one of the most prolific stoner multi-instrumentalist songwriters alive. Dude has already written three songs in the time it took you to stop hacking up a lung after that weak-ass bong rip. So, it is absolutely no surprise that he cranked these two tunes under lockdown at his place in Joshua Tree, CA. It would also not be a surprise if he emerged out of all this with four or five full albums completed and recorded totally by himself. One song is for the Burger Records Quarantunes comp and the other is for Brazillian Scream and Yell comp. Both are compiled here on one side of a uniquely splattered one-sided 8” square lathe cut in a die-cut covid-cover. You know I love my cricut cutter.

He is doing a BUNCH of livestreams for various publications and projects in addition to a regular every-monday-and-4:20 livestream of his own. You should probably just be friends with him on FB.


SM WOLF – Phases of What CD with hybrid vinyl bonus track!

New album from SM Wolf! Home recorded by Adam on all instruments, this is another power pop classic from my buddy in Indy. Includes a lathe cut bonus track on the back of the outtake “Poseidon”. Also available on cassette!

While you are at it, pick up the package and get the new CD/Vinyl Hybrid PLUS the last LP, "Bad Ocean" for only $20!

Listen to it at their Bandcamp:

Livestream “record release” this Friday at 8pm Indianapolis Time.

Freaky video by Brain Twins for the single "Old Deposits of Truth" peepable here:

Well, there ya go. More to come, as usual.



Love you all! Mike.

Posted on April 23rd, 2020